It seems that sometimes we come full circle in our lives. When I first started this blog in July of 2010 I was on a path to losing weight. I was at a decent weight but I spent a lot of my time working out and eating well. Then in 2013 I fell off track. So when I was offered a chance to try the Personal Trainer Food program I decided it was worth a try. The plan includes 28 frozen meals delivered to your door. There are several plans to choose from such as rapid weight loss, 2 meals a day, 3 meals a day, choose your own, and men’s program. A lot of options to fit your taste and your budget. I received my 20lb box of food and couldn’t wait to check out its contents.
Personal Trainer Food
So when I say frozen meals what do you think of? Do you think of boxed meals that do their best to imitate your favorite foods? While frozen meals are an easy option one thing I don’t like about them is that they don’t really help me understand how I really need to eat. Yes, everything is prepackaged and made with tons of ingredients but could you create the same meal yourself? You could probably try but I doubt you would get the same results. This is what I was expecting when I opened my Personal Trainer Food box a boat load of frozen boxed meals. However, I was quite surprised when instead I found frozen bags of normal everyday food.
28 Days of Personal Trainer Food
28 days of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and vegetables. Immediately I knew this plan was going to be different. Already I knew that as I was losing weight, or after I lose what I want I was going to know how to eat to keep it off because most of the foods you see here I can make myself. Which makes the plan not only easy but easy to transition off of when you are ready and you will know how to eat. It also makes it easy to incorporate items off of the plan if you are in a situation where you don’t have your food with you.
The plan is simple, eat a breakfast that consists of egg and sausage or bacon, there are several different eggs such as plain, cheddar, and western, and the same with the sausage, chicken, turkey, maple, and bacon. So while you are eating the same “thing” for breakfast you are eating different varieties so you never feel like it is the same thing over and over again. Lunch and dinner consist of meat and vegetables. The whole point of this plan is a high protein low carb eating plan.
What Types of Food You Eat
In addition to your meals, you can eat as much meat and leafy non-starchy vegetables as you would like. They also recommend two snacks a day. I currently eat nuts (walnuts, pistachios, and almonds) for my morning snack and a cheese stick and apple for my mid-afternoon snack. You can have one apple a day. As I am writing this my daughter is making one of the delicious recipes from Personal Trainer Food loaded with apples. I can’t wait to taste it.
My personal results
I have been on the plan now for 3 weeks and I am so excited with it that I have decided to continue and already have my 2nd box of food to take me through another 28 days. Though it is suggested not to weigh yourself and use your clothes and how you feel as your motivator I didn’t follow that rule and I have weighed myself each week. I’m excited to share with you my results
- Week 1: Lost 5 lbs
- Week 2: Lost 2.4 lbs
- Week 3: Lost 4 lbs
I am very happy with these results and it has kept me 100% on track. I will admit that the first couple of days are tough as you are cutting your body off from sugar. I truly believe that sugar is addictive. I feel that this is why, for me, a low carb high protein diet tends to be what works. My previous 40lb weight loss years ago was also eating high protein and low carb.
I also found that during my third week, I was having a little bit harder time with the plan. I didn’t sway from it but I found myself wanting to eat things I know I shouldn’t. I think this didn’t have anything to do with the plan but more to do with the timing for me personally as I’ve always gone through cycles in the month where I’m craving different types of food. So for me acknowledging this really helps during that time to stay on track. It is important to notice little nuisances like this and recognize them for what they are and work through them.
I have so much to share with you about the different plans, some ideas when it comes to incorporating the food, how to cook the food, and what my favorite items are, that this is going to become a bi-weekly posting. You will be able to follow me on my weight loss, ask questions, and get some tips regarding the Personal Trainer Food plan. There is just too much to put in one article but I will tell you if you are looking for something that is easy to follow, easy to cook, and easy to follow afterwards the Personal Trainer Food is the plan for you, it is definitely the plan for me!
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