Hello, my friends and readers! It is bittersweet to be home. Sweet because I missed my babies like crazy, bitter because it was great spending a few kidless days with hubby and it went by too fast. I’ve decided to break up my LA trip to watch The Biggest Loser Finale into a few posts because there are just so much entertaining things to share that one post would be longer than anyone would stay to read. (In fact, this one is long but is worth the read trust me)
Today I will start with our VERY eventful flight to LA. Hubby and I packed the night before as our plane was scheduled to take off at 7:55 EST. We left the house at 6:00 AM. Honey and my mother-in-law drove us to the airport. Look at those giddy faces ready for an exciting adventure (adventure indeed).

Our connecting flight was in Dallas. The trip to Dallas was uneventful and we arrived on schedule, 9:55 (CST). Our connecting flight to LA was to take off at 10:35 and was to begin boarding at 10:05 so we rushed over to the gate (C14) and here my friends is where the fun begins.
The story you are about to read is true and actual events, no liberties were taken in the telling of this story. This is not a made for a movie script and all individuals are real people. Seriously I couldn’t believe it and I was going through it.
As we rushed to gate C14 my husband wanted to stop for the restroom. I insisted that we check to see where they were onboarding first. The attendant told us they were boarding everyone now so I handed her our tickets. She scanned them and then looked at me and said, “This is the flight to Washington, the flight to LA has been delayed until 11:56.” Ok, well that sucks a little because we really wanted to get into LA on time so we could enjoy a little bit of free time as our trip was very short and we had many schedules to adhere to. However, the extra time did give us enough time to eat. So we sat and ate and I called my mother-in-law to let her know what was going on. She said she was wondering if we were going to get into the airport with all the storms. I looked out the window puzzled because it was cloudy but not a drop or threatening cloud in the sky.
Shortly after we ate we came back to the terminal and the time had been changed to 12:05, a whole 9 minutes. So we sat down (on the ground – ouch) and played some 20Q Sports and waited. After about 1/2 hour or so I had to use the restroom and noticed as I passed the board that the time had changed to 12:45 which I informed hubby. Soon after that, the sky began to get dark and we had some really good rain (or so I thought it was raining). A plane landed, people exited and we were excited that our plane had finally arrived. We all got in line as you could tell they were getting ready to board passengers and the attendant came over the intercom and announced that all passengers to Salt Lake City, Utah could now re-board the plane. It turned out that the plane had gotten to the runway, experienced hail, and had to come back for inspection and did so at gate C14. At the same time, our time changed from 12:45 to 1:30.
Now the best part of this is except for that short period of time that hubby and I sat down (on the floor) we stood, the lobby was full. We decided to walk the terminal and check out the stores since we now had another hour and a half. Shortly after we returned the REAL fun began. We were told that our gate had been moved to A25. No problem, the plane must have finally landed and we could move to another gate and board (LOL wishful thinking). We all arrived like a herd to gate A25 and the time had now been moved to 2:45. The lobby filled up quickly and we ended up standing again. We decided since we were in a new terminal to window shop again. It is a good thing we didn’t get too far because we saw everyone standing up (this was about 10 minutes later). We were told our gate had been moved to A14.
Again the herd of people all took off for A14. The board didn’t have LA listed but instead another city (can’t remember which one it is all a blur). Before we got comfortable they announced that the gate had been moved to A18. Yes, folks that is four gates so far. We all arrived at gate A18. The attendant came over the intercom and said, “We have two flights here, flight (XXX-whatever city it was) and LA will be taking off from…hold on a second”, she spoke with another attendant. She comes back on and says, “Sorry folks, the LA flight has been moved to A38,” “On the road again!” Hubby and I make our way with the rest of the crowd and he comments that he should have brought Nick’s rip stick with him, it would have been a better way to get from gate to gate. At this point we are still in pretty good spirits, taking things in stride and knowing there is nothing we can really do.
We get to gate A38 and are told that the time has been moved to 3:45, however not more than 30 seconds after we arrived, or secret “know it before they say it” the dude says he just got a text and we have been moved to A23. Now here is an even better part. There is a plane getting ready to board Columbus, so all these passengers are waiting, this is also the gate that the folks flying to Reno were told to go, as well as us newcomers. So there are three flights of people and get this….NO LOBBY, NO SEATS! So hubby and I have been standing this whole time and my back is killing me (note to self need to do situps and strength my core). As it gets close to 3:30 we know there is no way this plane is taking off at 3:45. The new attendant comes over the intercom and asks everyone to give him a break (talk about laughter erupting), that they needed to get the Columbus people on board, and then whichever plane arrived first would board next, Reno or LA. Spirits are starting to fly out the window at this point as I’m tired, my back hurts, and I’m disappointed that we are missing our time in LA.
We had our fingers crossed for the LA flight coming in first, after an hour later Columbus is finally boarded and taxiing away and the attendant comes back on and says there are now THREE planes scheduled for this gate and the first one to get there blah, blah, blah. Guess who got there first? Ok, guess who DIDN’T get there first? You got it, LA did not get there first instead it was Austin, TX. Just in case you were wondering Austin, TX is about 3 hours by car from Dallas, and even better they have been delayed all of 45 minutes. We were now going on 6 hours. The great part is we could see flight after flight on the board going to LA and leaving as scheduled just not flight 2419. As Austin passengers boarded the plane the attendant came on once more and told us that our gate had been moved once again and to go to gate A25.
At this point my phone was dead so I had stopped updating my family. I had just managed to snag an outlet when they moved us to the last gate. Again a gate with no lobby. Finally, around 5:15 we were able to board our flight to LA. We arrived in LA at 8:00 PST as opposed to the 12:45 that we were originally supposed to get there. Needless to say, our one day of free time to do as we please was shot. So instead we did this (see below)….and went to bed around 11:30 PST (which was 2:30 EST – we were beyond pooped)
Not the best entrance to LA but at least we finally made it. Thankfully our luggage managed to tag along as well (I was worried it would have gotten fed up and took off for another destination).
Look tomorrow for another exciting post from our LA trip!
(Note: I do understand that airlines can not predict weather and will have to delay and cancel flights, however my opinion of the moving us to a total of 7 different gates and seeing all other LA flights leave on time was extremely unprofessional and unorganized in my opinion)
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