Life can often deal an unfortunate hand to us and it can sometimes feel like this stroke of bad luck either came at the wrong time or came with other events in tow. While bad luck is often temporary, it can often feel like you’re swimming through sludge and there’s difficulty finding your way out of the darkness. However, no matter what that bad luck may be, there are ways to manage life so that you feel more in control of it all.
Acknowledge and feel all the emotions
When going through this period of bad luck, it’s important to acknowledge and feel all of the emotions. This is a situation where all feelings are valid and how the situation is dealt with, a person has the right to acknowledge and feel the emotions they’re feeling.
Whether it’s the loss of a family member, getting made redundant from a job, or getting injured in car accidents – acknowledge those feelings. Keeping them bottled up is only going to make it worse and keeping it all internally is never a healthy habit to do.
Understand what went wrong
Consider what went wrong when it comes to that bad luck. Could it have been prevented? Or perhaps it’s something that was out of your control.
Knowing what happened and what went wrong can help to justify the situation itself or to identify what it might be that needs correcting for next time. None of us have a crystal ball and therefore can’t predict what happens when it comes to life’s unexpected events.
Some wrongs can be made right and others need to be acknowledged and then life needs to move on.
Distract yourself with stress-busting activities
It’s important to find the time to distract yourself from what’s going on in life at that moment in time. Not everything has to revolve around this bad stroke of luck. In fact, there’s a lot that can be going on outside of this dark time in life.
Try to find opportunities to distract yourself with stress-busting activities. There might be a need for more joyful and happy activities depending on how you have been affected and how you’ve been left to feel as a result.
Distractions are always good to have and they can make a big difference to the overall mental well-being of a person as a result.
Count your blessings
While it might be easier said than done, counting your blessing is a great way of realizing that this tide shall pass and that there are greater days to come. It can be hard to do this when it feels as though you’re nowhere near to being out of these murky waters. However, taking stock of what you do have currently, can make a big difference in how you feel about the future.
The future is something that you want to be focused on and when you realize what you do have, it puts everything into perspective and certainly helps in those scenarios where a bit of light at the end of the tunnel is needed.
If it helps, note down all of the blessings that you consider to have in your life and have these somewhere close by to refer to when times get tough.
Avoid social media
Social media can be a toxic place and when you’re in a bad space mentally, the last thing you’re wanting to do is to go onto platforms that don’t tell you the whole picture. This can be particularly damaging for those who find it hard to dissociate away from this reality and often make comparisons to their own.
Going through any type of burden can be difficult and when it comes to taking a digital detox, it can be helpful for focusing on yourself, rather than getting lost in other people’s lives.
It may be helpful to delete your social media, if not just temporarily so that you can totally relax and look after yourself personally.
Look to the future and set goals
When stuck in a rut, it can often feel like life isn’t going anywhere and that can be hard when in that dark space. Regardless of how bad it might be, the future is always out there and it’s something to focus on when it comes to getting yourself out of that dark spell.
Focus on setting some goals for the future that you can work towards when it comes to managing your life. Consider what priorities you want to make in the short term and what else you’d like to do in the long term.
There are plenty of goals worth setting that can be set in life. It provides that bit of motivation that might be needed in times of struggle.
Cut out anything toxic that might have caused it
It’s easy enough to have some toxic parts in your life, whether it’s a habit that’s causing problems or a friend or family member. Cutting out anything that might have caused this stroke of bad luck, is something that should be considered.
After all, it’s important to focus on what’s bringing your life joy and what’s not providing you with the best experiences. When it comes to others, not everyone is going to want what’s best for you. They may be jealous or simply enjoy bringing others down when they feel a certain type of way.
The best thing to do in this case is to cut the cord. Cut them out of your life for good and move on.
Create a positive environment
A positive environment is important when it comes to managing your life after or during a period of bad luck. Create an environment that’s healthy for you, whether that’s at home or in the workplace. This positive environment is going to make a huge difference to your mental well-being as a result.
Managing life when experiencing bad luck can be difficult, especially when it feels like you’re not in a good place mentally. However, these tips should certainly help find some direction and clarity for the future.
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