This past summer while we were all stuck in the house I was secretly enjoying being at home a little more and having the family around. On a good schedule of waking up and working out in the morning, to hopping over a few feet to work. Easily being able to make dinner and do laundry throughout the week without a mad rush on the weekends. Without wasting 1 1/2 hours in the car commuting back and forth to work each day I had more time in my schedule. More time to do things like play Unsolved Case Files with my kids.
Unsolved Case Files: Harmony Ashcroft
My family and I love escape rooms, detective shows, and mystery games so when we were asked if we wanted to review Unsolved Case Files: Harmony Ashcroft now available at Walmart it was right up our alley. When it arrived my youngest son, his girlfriend, my daughter, and I sat down to dig into the new game.
I can not give enough praise for how thoroughly we enjoyed this game. I will warn you that this is not a game where you sit down spend a couple of minutes or half an hour and be done. This is a REAL detective game. Like a detective, you will spend some time pouring over reports, crime scene photos, interviews, and more before you can really start to dig in.
The way the game works is you receive evidence like a detective would, in addition, you receive a question. I question you must answer based on the evidence. When you answer the question right you will get another question and possibly some additional evidence. This process will take you to the conclusion of the game solving the case. You have to really put on your detective hats because the answers are not glaringly obvious, if they were it would have already been solved. It could be the way someone worded something, the slight fib in their story, or even knowing everything day things and how an interviewee’s statement doesn’t line up.
Become a Detective: Unsolved Case Files
We enjoyed the game so much we bought another one, or so we thought. It turned out I accidentally put a different brand not made by Unsolved Case Files. While the game was quite similar there was one main difference. It was not nearly as challenging and rewarding as Unsolved Case Files. I’m not going to lie the game is very challenging. You have to want to play and want to read, and go back and forth and find where that lie, omission, or error is that leads you to the next question. However, you can do it and it is so rewarding when you are done.
We highly recommend purchasing Unsolved Case Files for you and your family to enjoy. In fact, with the pending holidays, this would be a great game to enjoy during your next family gathering. I’ve purchased another Unsolved Case Files (the real deal this time) for us to enjoy ourselves. It took us a couple of hours to finish but it was so much fun!
Unsolved Case Files can be found at Amazon.
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