Halloween has always been and still is one of my favorite holidays. I love the creativity of the creepy yet fun holiday. However, there have been many superstitions that have surrounded the holiday. From black cats to spiders you may want to check out which easy symbol means, of course that is if you believe in Halloween superstitions!
Halloween Superstitions
Bats– On Halloween, if you notice there are bats flying around outside (or even inside) your home, this means that spirits and ghosts are close by.
Black cats– Black cats have often been a part of superstitions, especially Halloween ones. If you cross the path of a black cat on Halloween, this means there may be a witch close by. If you hurt a black cat on Halloween, it means you will have 7 years of bad luck. If you see a black cat, walk under a ladder, and break a mirror you may want to hide.
Cemeteries- If you drive past a cemetery and you hold your breath, spirits will not be able to get into your body. Also, if you turn your pockets inside out, you won’t bring any spirits home in your pockets.
Evil spirits– It has been said that in order to ward off evil spirits, before sunset on Halloween, you need to walk around your home backwards, counterclockwise three times.
Ghosts– If you spot a ghost, you can make it disappear by walking around it 9 times.
Jack O’ Lanterns– To keep demons and evil spirits away, burn a candle inside your Jack O’ Lanterns.
Owls– There has been a long-standing superstition that states that owls would eat the souls of the dying.
Spiders– On Halloween night, if you see a spider, rest easy knowing the spirit of a deceased loved is looking after you.
Wind– If you hear a sigh on Halloween night that is carried by the wind, this is an indication that your destiny is to die within a year.
Witches– If you want to meet a witch on Halloween night, walk backwards with your clothes inside out.
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