When you think of phone productivity, you probably think of notetaking apps. As useful as they can be, however, there’s a lot more going on in the world of Androids to help you do more with your time.
A password manager
Keeping track of all your passwords can be a real hassle, and password managers are a lifesaver for this reason. If you use Chrome on your phone and your computer, it does come with a very usable password manager, but it tends to be flaky sometimes — passwords that you save on your computer don’t always show up on your phone, and it isn’t always easy to get Chrome to recognize and save passwords for secure sites like net banking accounts. If you use the KeePass password manager on your computer, Keepass2Android Password Safe is an app that you absolutely need on your phone. Unlike Google’s own password-saver feature, this password manager lets you stay in charge.
A call recorder
Whether you use your phone for business or for fun each day, you probably have conversations all the time that leave you wondering about who said what. If your phone doesn’t already come with a call recorder app, it’s time that you got one. It can be a truly powerful feeling to never have to wonder again about the sequence that a conversation took or what words exactly were used. With apps like Apalon’s Call Recorder you always have it on record (you can look at it here on Google Play). A call recorder is one of the productivity apps that is a must have.
Your phone can be a great productivity tool, or it can ruin your productivity every time Facebook beckons you. This is where anti-distraction apps are able to help. Forest is one of the best examples, an app that not only lets you set a certain amount of time that you don’t get to fiddle with your phone, it actually makes you feel bad about doing it, in the nicest possible way.
When you set a certain amount of time on the app that you don’t want to be distracted, it starts you off with a tiny little plant that grows. If you fiddle with your phone, you’ll see the plant die. If you leave it alone, it grows until it’s a big, strapping tree. Breakfree is another app in this category. It helps you track the amount of time you use your phone each day so that you know what you’re really doing.
A habit maker
Some productivity apps simply hit the spot with a neat trick for a problem you never knew how to solve. The four on this list are some of the best examples out there.
As many productivity coaches say, it’s far harder to break a bad habit when you don’t know what to replace it with. 7 Weeks is an app that helps you form new habits. It goes on the premise that forming a new habit takes 7 weeks. You get 49 squares on your screen, one for each day that you get. You put a naught in a square for success with your new habit, and a cross for each day that you haven’t been successful. It can be a process that turns your own life into a game that you need to win points at.
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