Thanksgiving Craft
I have been trying to spend more time with my daughter doing the things she enjoys. One of those things is holidays and other crafts! She is very creative like her mother so it is a great combination. A couple of weekends ago I saw the cutest Thanksgiving wreath on Pinterest and decided we should totally make it. In fact, we loved it so much we are hoping to make a Christmas wreath as well.
Thanksgiving Turkey Wreath (Baby Rabies)
You can find the tutorial here at Baby Rabies. I’m not sure what size Styrofoam ring she used but we used a 14″. Also in retrospect we should have made the tulle strips a little longer. I made them approx 12″ but I think they would have looked much better at 18″.
Also, we had a hard time finding the tulle. We were able to find the red and orange on the spool and the yellow we had to purchase by the yard. I can tell you that if you can find it on the spool it will be MUCH easier. We also purchased the traditional Styrofoam balls but there was another option where the balls were a little smoother and less of a Styrofoam look. We recommend purchasing them instead. For the beak, we felt the one we purchased was to big so we shaved it with a knife. This ended up being great because we were able to shape the beak a little to make it more realistic.
All and all it is a cute craft and pretty easy to make, we had a great time together! It is the perfect addition to our home. May your Thanksgiving be full of humor, good food, and family.
Update 05/04/24: We made this Thanksgiving Turkey Wreath three years ago and we still use it every year. I am hoping to recreate this wreath with longer tulle this year.
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