Arlo Home Security System
I love when I have the opportunity to update my readers on products that I have reviewed in the past, and even introduce new products from the same product line. When we purchased our new home we wanted to make sure that we had the ability to keep an eye on it when we were not home. We had an incident at our previous residency that resulted in us owning one less pool table (it was stolen off our back porch). So we were very interested in installing a security system but didn’t want to spend a ton of money. We had the opportunity to review the wireless home security system from Arlo. Must recently we added a new camera to our Arlo family, the new Arlo Q.
Arlo Q Camera
As you can see by looking at both cameras they are very different in style. The main difference between the two cameras is the Arlo Q is a wired camera. So you may ask why would I want a wired camera when I have the benefits of a wireless camera. One word BATTERIES! I love my Arlo wireless home security system but it goes through batteries like you would not believe. There are some places where I need the ability of no wires but then there are many places when a wired camera suits me just fine. So now I can have both depending on what my needs are.
Arlo Q Camera Features:
- Enjoy amazingly sharp 1080p video
- Talk and listen using the built-in mic and speaker
- Instant alerts if motion or sound is detected
- See what’s happening even in the dark
My co-worker just loves to check in with me throughout the day to see how things are going at home. The photo above was taken with the Arlo Q camera. The picture quality is amazing. The camera is sitting on a book case and the sliding glass door gets in the way a little which is why you see nothing on the right of the screen. This is simply due to the placement of the camera. In addition to the quality of the camera, you can zoom in to see things a little closer. The camera was great to have when we were having our deck paved as I could check in on the workers to see how things were going while I was at work.
While we don’t really need or use this particular camera to check on the kids it does offer the ability to talk and listen through the camera. I actually have set the camera to detect motion only (and not audio) when it records. You have the option of how and when you want it to record from when it detects motion. The camera, because it is facing outside, catches a lot of motion and records quite often, making the wired camera a better option for this placement than the wireless.
We did have a little bit of an issue trying to set up the camera, for some reason even though I went through all the sets it wouldn’t connect to the internet. However, I was able to call customer service and easily get the problem fixed. The other nice thing about the wired camera is you don’t need the base that is required with the wireless.
As much as I enjoy the ease of my wireless camera’s I much prefer the wired counterpart due to the amount of batteries the wireless uses. Now my goal is to replace my wireless with the new Arlo Q to have a complete system with all camera’s being on the same system. You can purchase any of the Arlo line security cameras on Amazon.
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