Healthy communication is the bedrock of a good relationship. This is especially so when it comes to the intimate union of marriage where two people have chosen to share their aspirations, challenges, and lives with one another. However, creating a true and ever-lasting bond between a couple requires trust, empathy and a level of emotional openness that may rarely be encountered in their other relationships. Successful marriages often depend heavily on improving communication.
For some couples, the communication needed to nurture their connection comes naturally, while for others, misunderstandings, differences in communication style, and the pressures of everyday life can erode the quality of their communication. In this article, we have outlined four tips that can lead to improved communication between couples, helping them grow closer and more comfortable in their marriage.
Be Open to Listening
Often, in an attempt to have their own needs expressed and heard couples will overlook the needs or wishes of their partner. To avoid this, it can be helpful to actively listen and be open to hearing your partner fully and without interruption, whether they are sharing their concerns or simply recounting the events of their day. When listening to each other in this way, it is best to remove any distractions such as phones, televisions or other devices that could divide your attention. This also demonstrates respect and a willingness to fully listen to your partner, helping them feel valued and heard.
Non-Verbal Cues
Communication is more than just the words we use when speaking to one another. According to research, as much as 55% of communication is non-verbal. Factors such as body language, facial expressions and tone of voice play a large role in conveying what a person thinks and feels during a conversation. For couples, being mindful of their non-verbal communication can help them approach conversations with greater receptivity and openness, while also allowing them to offer support and affection more effectively. Whether it’s a gentle hand on theirs when broaching a difficult topic or a smile when expressing appreciation, these non-verbal cues can go a long way to strengthen understanding and connection between couples and improving communication.
Avoid Judgement
Judgement can take many forms including blame and criticism of a partner. This approach can be very damaging to a relationship as the other party is likely to become defensive and resentful over time, severely hampering communication between a couple. Instead of falling into judgment, it is beneficial to practice empathy when communicating with your partner. In marriage counseling, couples are often taught to put themselves in their partner’s shoes and see things from their perspective. This can help them gain a better understanding of how they may be feeling, allowing them to take a more supportive and loving stance in their communications. Improving communication means practicing empathy and patience.
Be Flexible
The purpose of communication should not be to have all your needs met at the cost of your partner’s wants and wishes. Instead, you should aim to work together to reach a place where both your needs and desires are being honored and respected, creating a balanced and fulfilling relationship for you both. This means being flexible and open to compromise in certain areas, while also staying true to your own core values and needs. By putting these tips into practice, couples can enjoy healthier and more harmonious communication with each other. Improving communication is key to a happy and strong partnership.
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