Staying cool can be a challenge on those hot summer days. The sun can make it difficult to be both inside and outside comfortably. It can be sweaty, exhausting, and even make you feel a little sick. Even after the sun goes down, the heat can still remain and wreak havoc on your experience. Once you head to bed, the issues will likely persist. Hot weather or a hot environment can make falling asleep quite difficult. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to keep yourself cool on these hot nights, and this article is going to go over a few of them.
Get a Better Mattress
One of the first ways to cool down on a hot summer night is to improve the mattress you sleep on. Many mattresses can feel like they are engulfing your body, which can lead to hot periods of sleep that make it hard to fall (and stay) asleep. While all mattresses can do this, foam mattresses often lead to issues with sleeping too hot.
Thankfully, there are plenty of mattresses that provide you with a cool and comfortable sleep every night. Be sure to do some research on the best cooling mattresses on the market, and see which suits your style and needs. Of course, things like the blankets and sheets you use can also play a role in how hot or cold you are sleeping. Using Muslin blankets for adults can enhance your sleep quality by keeping you comfortably cool on hot summer nights.
Run the Fan or Air Conditioner
Another tried and true way to fight off the heat is to run your air conditioner. This will get cold air circulating throughout your home and allow it to cool off. The relief will be instant and can last as long as you want to keep the air on. Of course, running this all the time can be quite expensive, so be careful. If you don’t have air conditioning, running a fan can provide similar results.
TAKE a Cool Shower
Few things can quickly cool you off from a hot summer day or night like a cool shower. This will instantly lower your body temperature and make you feel great. It might take you a few seconds to “warm up” to the water, but once you do, it will almost certainly be bearable. While the effects of this cool shower may only last a little bit, and you will likely get warm again, it can be an incredible relief in an otherwise hot environment. In addition to feeling great, there are many other benefits of having a cool shower, as well. This includes improving circulation and increasing your metabolism. Many athletes will even take cold baths in ice for recovery purposes.
If you struggle to stay cool on hot summer nights, we hope that these tips have been able to help you out. Beating the heat isn’t always easy, but it can certainly be done if you follow the right tips.
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