Congratulations on graduating! All of the hard work and effort you’ve exerted in the past years have paid off. You’re now off to the next stage of your life – college living. Attending college is a challenging yet exciting journey, indeed. College has been a huge part of the country’s culture for decades already since higher education has been made available to all. Now, it’s generally regarded that college is needed to have a chance to attain a stable career and rewarding job after graduation.
For many, college years are their first true taste of freedom and independence – living away from their folks in their home state to attend a far-away school and prepare to reach their dreams and goals. College living entails a lot of things, primarily it involves having to make big adjustments to your way of living. Living on your own, especially in shared dorms or apartments, comes with its own set of challenges. This guide will help you navigate college living like a pro. Read on to learn more.
Essentials For Dorm Room Living
During college, you’re going to spend a lot of time in your college dorm room or apartment like Sunrise Village. So, you need to make it feel like a home away from home. Yet with only limited space available, you’ll need to be smart about what items you’re going to bring:
- Bring with you a good mattress. Don’t forget about cozy blankets and sheets too. Remember: quality sleep is crucial for college.
- Be smart with how you manage your limited living space. Bring with you smart storage solutions such as underbed boxes, stackable bins, and many more.
- Don’t forget to bring your home living necessities. Bring with you your first aid kit, mini toolkit, personal hygiene supplies, cleaning items, and many more.
- Be wise with your clothing. Only bring clothing pieces that you’ll be able to use during your stay in college. Don’t forget to include in your wardrobe casual wear, formal and semi-formal wear, and the like.
Prepare A Study Spot In Your Room Or Apartment
College offers a lot of distractions but you need to focus your attention on the prize of being able to graduate with an excellent academic record and others. To aid you in achieving that, you need to be smart with how you study. For you to be able to study better and avoid distractions, you need to have a study spot where you can focus on studying.
Your study spot can be as simple as a desk in your room. Even if it’s just a simple desk, your study area should be kept well-lit, clutter-free, and free of any distractions. Aside from that, invest in a good desk lamp and comfortable chair for maximum comfort. Use noise-canceling headphones if necessary if you can study better without any noise. Stick to this routine when it’s time to hit the books in preparation for a big test.
Be smart with how you organize your study spot. Make use of calendars, planners, calendars, to-do lists, and many more to make it easier for you to track responsibilities, deadlines, and many more. If you want inspiration, you can place pictures of your loved ones and friends on your desk. Vision boards, inspirational quotes, and many more are useful sources of motivation for you to study harder as well.
Master The Art Of Living With Others In A Shared Space
College living will largely entail you having to share a dorm room, apartment unit, and building with your college peers. They hail from various backgrounds, socio-economic standings, religious beliefs, and many more. Having to share your space with complete strangers is a big adjustment on your end, indeed. But you need to be understanding and accepting – those two go a long way when it comes to college living.
Check out the following tips to help you cope with living with other people:
- Be open and communicate your concerns respectfully. Make sure that you discuss living expectations, such as quiet hours, having guests and friends over, cleaning schedules, policies on borrowing stuff, and many more. Listen to what your roommates or neighbors have to say as well. Keep an open mind and consider their opinions too regarding expectations for hassle-free dorm living.
- Be considerate of your peers. Keep common areas tidy, don’t play loud music, give each other space and alone time, and the like.
- Set clear boundaries with your roommates and peers. Make it clear what’s okay with you and what are considered off-limits from the start to avoid any issues.
- Compromises when needed. Remember: you can’t always get your way, so learn to meet in the middle respectfully when you’re involved in a misunderstanding with your peers.
- If fights do happen, and it’s highly likely that it’ll happen, address issues directly and remain calm. Ditch the drama and don’t escalate the situation by promoting hostility and violence. In case of bigger fights, reach out to your dorm manager or the authorities as soon as possible.
Your Guide To Dorm Room Cooking
College living is notoriously known for having to deal with limited cooking options for your whole stay in your college. Yet don’t think of that as a limitation. With only a microwave and perhaps a mini-fridge in your dorm room, you can get pretty creative with minimal cooking equipment.
Check out the following simple cooking tips and menus that you can try out:
- For non-cooks, one-past pasta meals are a life-saver. They’re easy to do and require minimal ingredients. To proceed, just add boiling water to your pasta until it’s al dente. After that, you can drain the past and add in your favorite sauces and/or pre-cooked proteins.
- For much-needed energy, you can try out a simple potato dish called loaded baked potatoes. To proceed, you only need to microwave your potato for a few minutes. Next, you can top the cooked potato with your favorite toppings like cheese, beans, broccoli, and so on.
- For easy-to-do breakfasts, you can do English muffins. You can choose your toppings, too, ranging from veggies to pre-cooked or cured meats, and so on.
- If you want to taste ethnic foods, you can try easy-to-make dishes like quesadillas and many more. With that, you can also learn more about other people’s cultures and appreciate them.
- When picking cooking gear, select multipurpose equipment. For instance, you can pick a rice cooker that can be used not only for cooking rice but also for cooking various grains, preparing hotpot dishes, frying, and many more.
- Stock up on easy-to-prepare meals and healthy snacks.
Getting Around Your College Campus
Depending on where you’re going to college, navigating from Point A to Point B in your college campus can involve a lot of options. You can either walk, take public transportation, and so on. Check out the following transport modes you can get to enjoy everyday getting to and fro your college campus and nearby areas.
- Walking or biking is highly advised, especially if you only have to cover short distances. Additionally, walking and biking are environment-friendly, help you keep fit, and the like.
- Explore public transportation options on your college campus. These may include college buses, city buses, trams, trains, and the like.
- If you need to go somewhere and you’re in a hurry, you can try ride-sharing services.
Staying Healthy While You’re Away In College
College is generally characterized by fast-changing schedules, endless food, and other temptations, and many more, it’s easy for you to forget about practicing healthy living habits that you’ve done before back at home. If you forget about taking care of yourself and your health, you may get sick and miss your classes.
To help you maintain a healthy mind and body even though you’re busy studying in college, read on.
- Aim to get around eight hours of restful and high-quality sleep. Having a complete set of sleep will help you rest better, be able to focus more, and others.
- As much as possible, stay active. Don’t prevent yourself from taking much-needed breaks from studying by hitting the college gym, walking outdoors, joining recreational sports, and others. Get those sweat and endorphins flowing now!
- Follow a balanced diet. Strive to incorporate fresh and healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and healthy fats, whole grains, and more in your day-to-day meals. These foods are filled with vitamins and minerals that can serve as your fuel while you’re in college.
- Don’t forget to drink water. Stay hydrated between classes by finishing off eight or more glasses of water daily. Always have your reusable water bottle filled and by your side to avoid dehydration.
- Manage stress and don’t let it win over your life. Try meditation apps, outdoor yoga classes, or just hanging out with friends.
- Avoid excess consumption of alcohol. Steer away from addictive substances at all times.
Making New Friendships And Connections That Will Last A Lifetime In College
When in college, you’ll come across all types of people – classmates, hallmates, club members, teammates, and more. Put yourself out there to meet new people:
- Be the first to say ‘Hi’ to your fellows. Making introductions helps overcome initial awkwardness.
- Ask questions and listen to what they have to say. People love talking about themselves, their interests, and their hometowns.
- Join student-led organizations. These groups provide instant friend groups that share your hobbies, major, or cause.
- Check out activities, performances, sports games, and so on to interact organically with the people around you. Explore what your college campus has to offer.
- Schedule in fun and socializing too. Don’t work yourself too hard. Those connections keep you grounded.
The friends you make can become your home-away-from-home support system and some friendships could last a lifetime. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone.
Managing Your Finances
College expenses like tuition, housing, meals, textbooks, technology, transportation, and entertainment add up fast. Budget wisely. To proceed, track all of your spending. Next, cut down on unnecessary expenses. Limit the use of your credit card. And finally, you can find part-time work to augment your budget.
In Conclusion
From sharing tight quarters to juggling countless priorities, college living is a whirlwind adventure, indeed. Staying balanced is key: stay organized, be a team player, take care of your health, and don’t forget strategic budget and safety smarts.
With wise decisions, you’ll turn these into some of the most fun, enriching, and defining years of your life while you’re in college. And embrace every moment – these will be some of the most memorable experiences and people you’ll ever encounter.
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