It is not uncommon for many pregnant women to go through pregnancy dealing with various aches and pains, particularly in the hips and lower back. If this is your case, you may wonder if receiving chiropractic care while pregnant is possible and if this type of care can bring the relief you need. If so, Snapcrack chiropractors want to remind you of one of the most salient advantages of chiropractic care: it is a type of treatment that is not based on medications that can harm you or your baby. On the contrary, it is a non-invasive treatment that can bring much-needed relief.
Is Chiropractic Care Safe During Pregnancy?
Chiropractic care focuses on maintaining your health by adjusting the spinal column and misaligned joints. It does not involve drugs or surgery but works like a physical therapy that reduces the stress that pregnancy places on spinal nerves and promotes health throughout your body.
Chiropractic care is also known for having no complications or side effects and is believed to be safe even for pregnant women. However, it is important to always consult with your doctor before receiving any type of care, particularly if you are experiencing symptoms like:
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Vaginal bleeding
- Moderate to severe toxemia
- Placenta previa
- Placenta abruption
Your doctor may recommend that you visit a chiropractor specializing in prenatal care, particularly if any of the above symptoms are present.
To better treat pregnant women, chiropractors will use adjustable tables that give room to growing bellies, and the adjustments performed will never put pressure on the abdominal area. Your chiropractor may also show you how to perform effective stretches to relieve tension and ease discomfort.
I’m Pregnant: How Can a Chiropractor Help Me?
Pregnancy is associated with physical and hormonal changes, some of which will interfere with your posture and comfort. As the baby grows and becomes heavier, it is normal for the body’s center of gravity to shift, forcing your posture to adjust to these changes. However, these changes can result in a misaligned spine and painful joints. You may also experience:
- An exaggerated curve in your back due to the protruding and growing abdomen
- Adaptations in your body to your new posture
- Changes in your pelvis once your body starts getting ready for labor
There is no need for you to suffer with these changes. By scheduling periodic visits with your chiropractor during your pregnancy, your doctor can address these and any other issues preventing you from fully enjoying your pregnancy. After all, chiropractic adjustments are designed to re-establish balance and alignment to the pelvic bones that will make you feel better and be beneficial for the baby.
How Does Chiropractic Care Benefit a Baby?
When the mother’s pelvis is misaligned, the baby may have a restricted area to move around in. It has been documented that this intrauterine constraint can result in birth defects.
Another complication resulting from a misaligned pelvis is related to the delivery. This is because when the pelvis is out of alignment, it can make it more difficult for the baby to adopt the best position when the time comes for it to be born. That is, rear-facing and head down.
If the mother is planning on having a natural non-invasive delivery, a misaligned pelvis may prevent her from doing this successfully. When the pelvis is in the proper position, the baby has less of a chance of moving into a breech position and when the baby is not in the optimal birthing position, delivery can become longer and more complicated.
Women who have received chiropractic care during their pregnancies report improved outcomes in labor and delivery. Additionally, receiving chiropractic care while pregnant may result in the following added benefits:
- Having a more comfortable and healthier pregnancy
- Having less pain in their joints, neck, back, and hips
- Help in controlling the symptoms of nausea
Chiropractic care is usually safe during pregnancy. It can keep pain under control and establish the pelvic balance you need. If you are uncomfortable or experiencing any pain while pregnant, consult with your doctor about receiving chiropractic care. You may find that this natural treatment method brings you the relief you seek, makes your pregnancy more comfortable, and prepares your body to be better adjusted for labor and delivery.
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