Kid-Friendly Yogurt Recipes
There are few better ways of giving the kids tasty and healthy snacks than by adding some yogurt to their lives. Yet, while many parents are happy just giving their youngsters pots of yogurt, you can add more fun to their food by using a few of these kid-friendly yogurt recipes. These are all simple and effective ways of giving them the health benefits of yogurt without any fuss or hard work on your part.
Frozen Yogurt Banana Treats
Most kids love bananas as much as they love yogurt, so it makes sense to give them the best of both worlds. It is incredibly simple to make these treats, so everyone can get stuck in. You just need to mash up the bananas and then stir it into the yogurt before placing the mixture into individual cupcake cases. Place them in the freezer for a couple of hours and you have a great tasting snack with no fuss. Obviously you can try the same yogurt recipes with other fruits but it seems to work especially well with bananas.
Yogurt and Granola Bars
Cereal bars are popular lunchtime snacks for youngsters these days, but the store-bought variety is often far less healthy than you would like. The good news is that making these bars is a lot easier than you might have thought. You have to mix together cereals such as oatmeal and wheat germ with honey, together with the likes of coconut and almonds if you like. They need to be over-baked and you can simply dip them in thick yogurt before letting them dry out. The end product is a healthy snack that is perfect for taking to school as a mid-morning filler they are sure to enjoy.
Yogurt Ice Pops
Possibly the easiest way of doing something with your yogurt is to freeze it on a stick. This gives a delicious frozen yogurt ice pop that is terrific for a hot summer’s day. Once you are confident with this recipe you can have a lot of fun using different shapes and adding in chunks of fruit or different toppings. The kids can get stuck in and design their own ice pops as well, which is always great fun.
Tomato Soup with Yogurt in It
Not all yogurt recipes need to be sweet. You can also use the unsweetened variety to make soups instantly thicker and tastier too. Low-fat Greek yogurt is especially good for this, as it will give you a creamy texture and lots of protein without added calories. It is worth trying this approach with any type of soup that your kids like, with tomato soup being a particularly popular choice for many families.
Frozen Yogurt
If you have an ice cream maker then making frozen yogurt is going to be incredibly easy to do. If you don’t have an ice cream-making machine then you can still do it manually, as there are lots of online recipes and tutorials to follow. Best of all, you can show a lot of creativity here by adding different ingredients and keeping it interesting for the kids, as well as for you. Will they even want to go back to normal ice cream after trying this frozen treat?
A Yogurt Dip with Salsa
If you like to eat Mexican snacks with a salsa dip then try adding in some yogurt to the salsa the next time. Equal parts of both products should give you a perfect dip, but you can easily vary the mixture to suit their taste if they like it to be less spicy and creamier. Of course, you don’t need to use this only with nachos and such. You can also dip fresh vegetables, crackers, and anything else the kids fancy eating with it.
Yogurt Smoothies
Actually, perhaps yogurt smoothies provide the simplest way of using this terrific ingredient for great snacks. In this case, you simply put all of the ingredients into your smoothie maker or blender and let it work its magic. With a bit of trial and error, you should be able to get some very tasty and healthy combinations of ingredients that the young ones love. On a hot summer day, you can add ice, frozen juice, or ice cream to make it even more refreshing to drink.
Strawberries Filled with Yogurt
The power of fresh fruit is combined with yogurt to give us a healthy snack in this case. This is another very simple recipe, as you just scoop out the strawberry and fill it with lots of lovely yogurt. You can adapt this recipe with many different types of fruit and you can also choose to freeze the finished snack to give a cool treat. It works well with blueberries, in which case you can simply cover them in yogurt rather than scooping them out.
An Oaty Breakfast with Berries
Combining oats with yogurt and fresh berries makes for a filling breakfast that will keep even the most energetic child going all morning long. You can also add in the likes of coconut and raisins to make it even tastier. A great thing about this recipe is that you can easily make it overnight and leave it in the fridge until the morning. This means that there is one less thing for you to do in the morning, with a hearty breakfast ready and waiting.
Yogurt Jelly or Jello
Yogurt also works really well with jelly. You can mix the two together while preparing the jelly to get an interesting dessert that also looks great. Add in some milk and/or fruit jam for added taste and a thicker texture. The kids won’t want to go back to normal jelly again in the future after they give this a try. Why not give a few of these recipes a try sometime soon? If you have been struggling to get your little ones to eat yogurt then at least one of these presentations is sure to catch their eye and make them want to give it a try.
Author’s Bio
Simon is a healthy-eating father who loves experimenting with new recipes. He has tried some of the best yogurt makers and now his family is never without yogurt.
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