Unity Digital Lenses Review
I’ve now had my new glasses with UNITY digital lenses for just over a month. Definitely ample time to test, try, and give you my thoughts. I can sum it up in one word A-W-E-S-O-M-E. Honestly, I love the glasses and lenses. I don’t always love to wear glasses but when I do I can really tell a difference in my UNITY digital lenses vs the lenses I was wearing before.
First Impression
The first time I put on the glasses and left the doctor’s office I must say it was a little bit disorienting. I had to be careful stepping off the curb. I tell you this because I was talking to a co-worker recently who purchased some high-def lenses and asked her how she liked them. She had the same experience as me. This is very common for all new glasses prescriptions. However, it typically subsides within a few hours of wearing. Some progressive lenses, though, are hard to adapt to and people end up abandoning them in frustration—that’s a key difference with UNITY. I only wore the glasses for a short period of time but the second time I put them on I didn’t have that feeling at all. UNITY Digital lenses are designed so that you see more clearly. I don’t wear my glasses all day or even every day. I currently need them for distance and only on occasion when my eyes get tired will I put them on at work.
Screen Time
This past month was budget season. So picture me staring at my computer for well over 10 hours a day. Let’s just say I used my glasses a lot at work. With my previous prescription, I was unable to wear them while working. Doing so would cause headaches and the writing on the screen looked like it was swaying, which is probably why I was getting headaches. I did not experience this at all with the UNITY digital lenses. Everything was crisp and clear. My co-workers noticed immediately that I was wearing glasses (guess there was no trying to hide it) and I received many compliments when I did wear them.
Night Time
I use my new glasses primarily at night when I’m driving. Due to the recent time change that usually means every day on my way home from work. It starts to get dark around 5:30-6:00 these days. To give you an idea of what I see without glasses take a look at the photo below. The photo on the right is what I would normally see while trying due to the astigmatism in my eyes.
Notice that the lights have a glare-like effect. With so many cars on the road, traffic, street lights, and brightly lit signs you can imagine the trouble I was having. I rarely noticed it because I had grown accustomed to driving this way. The UNITY digital lenses took away most of that glare and things are so much easier to see. I guess everyone else on the road appreciates my UNITY digital lenses as well. We will consider it a service to all drivers.
Photochromic Lenses
The other awesome feature of my new glasses is I have a special coating that changes the tint when you are out in the sun. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it or if it was going to be annoying. Definitely LOVE it! The first time I really got a chance to try them out was at my son’s soccer game. Wearing my new glasses was an immediate upgrade to my watching experience. I could easily see who was who and everything was just a little more in focus. Sure enough, I didn’t need any sunglasses the transition when the sun came out was amazing. I honestly didn’t notice it at all, other than everything looked great.
Glasses with UNITY digital lenses
All of this the glasses, UNITY digital lenses, and special coatings were available to me thanks to VSP Vision Care and UNITY digital lenses. The coverage is amazing and I was able to get the perfect glasses for me by paying only a small price for the difference in the frames. You can check out UNITY digital Lenses here at www.unitylenses.com and follow them on Facebook.
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