Tips for Healthier Grocery Shopping
I really am not a fan of grocery shopping. I keep hoping an inexpensive grocery service will come to my area where I can simply mark all the foods I would like and they will show up at my door. The one good thing about grocery shopping is my husband goes with me. It is the one activity that the two of us do together without the kids. However, we are both eager to get the shopping done and leave before the crowds set in. One disadvantage to service would be not being able to pick out my own fruits and vegetables, I am very picky about my bananas. Since we don’t have a service then I think it is better to put my energy towards shopping smarter and healthier.
Making Grocery List
Healthy choices start at home, so plan ahead by making a list. This way you will get exactly what you need and lessen the risk of random purchases that you don’t need. Planning ahead will also save you time and money!
Shop the Permiter of the Store
Many nutritionists suggest shopping the perimeter of the grocery store, with the thought being that this is where fresher and less processed foods are found. This is true, but there certainly are healthy foods that can be found in the center aisles too, think canned beans, grains, frozen fruit, etc.
How to Fill Your Cart
Fill your cart like you should fill your plate, 50% fruits & veggies, the rest protein and grains. See: https://www.myplate.gov/
Incorporate Fresh and In Season Food
Make a point to try and incorporate foods that are fresh and in season and perhaps that you have not tried before, most people tend to eat the same foods over and over again but the wider the variety the wider the array of nutrients. Have household members make suggestions for the shopping list, kids (and grown-ups) are generally more willing to try new foods when they help to pick them.
Don’t Shop Hungry
This practice often results in unhealthy impulse purchases.
Chose Less Processed Foods
Choose “real” foods, with as little processing and as few additives as possible. Try not to choose foods that contain a long list of ingredients, artificial ingredients, or ingredients you might not be able to pronounce.
When you are doing your weekly, daily, monthly (or however you do your shopping) grocery shopping do you find that some things are harder to resist than others? Do you often make a list and then forget it? I am a terrible list maker, or I should say terrible, and being able to find a list. I use my Alexa all week long to create a grocery shopping gift so I don’t forget anything while doing my healthier grocery shopping.
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