Every homemaker wants every part of their home to reflect warmth, comfort, and suitability for their household’s needs. Research shows that a positive psyche is often rooted in a warm, loving, and secure home. It goes beyond being just a place of utility and rest, it has become a place where the most important milestones in one’s life happen. One of the essential areas in a house is, you guessed that right – the kitchen. Here, the family gathers over a great meal, during significant events, or even just over a nice cup of coffee and tea, paired with meaningful conversations. Hence, having the kitchen organized without compromising the design is a must in every home.
Here are some tips and tricks that would bring life to your kitchen, as well as keeping its functionality still in place:
Smart Storage is Key to Your Ideal Kitchen Space
Suppose your house only presents a small area to serve as your kitchen space or live in an apartment. In that case, you might want to try to save as much space as you can to incorporate all the appliances, storage, and furniture that you can fit. However, this doesn’t mean that you should also scrimp on the design and look you want your kitchen to have.
Redesigning your kitchen would be a great solution to your woes, but you may have some questions before initiating the planning process. “Does this need an overall change in design? How much space would I need to let go of? Where can I put all the items that I would need for cooking, dining, and even cleaning up the area?”
Such questions may be answered with a simple solution: revamping your kitchen cabinetry and storage. It might sound like an overhaul of what you have at hand, but this is not too intimidating of a task if you know the right materials, design, and space that you would need to go about and do your daily tasks and activities.
Kitchen Cabinet Kings provides the broadest range of choices for your cabinet preferences, with a range of reasonable prices to your budget and style. Their ready to assemble kitchen cabinets boast of high-quality and durable materials that might even last for future generations. They are also recognized for their fast delivery and come-and-go installation.
Time for Some Lighting Changes
One of the factors that might also affect your kitchen’s ambiance is the lighting you have installed. You might not be aware that the proper fixture, positioning, or even the lightbulb quality could be affecting your kitchen’s ambient lighting – which is the overall lighting of your space or area.
Overhead lighting is an essential factor to consider when deciding how to maximize the light to make your space look brighter. There are several options to choose from online – you can opt to go for warm or cool lighting, depending on the kind of mood you want your kitchen to hold.
Another trick that can add pizzazz to your kitchen is installing lights under your cabinets, directly above your stove. This way, whenever you are cooking a delicious meal or preparing snacks for your children, it will highlight the dishes you are preparing for the household. This might also save your kitchen from having an all-too-glaring brightness.
Utilize your Kitchen’s Surfaces
By surfaces, it doesn’t only mean the tabletops or countertops. Your kitchen walls could be an excellent placement for some of your cookware and kitchen tools! One good way to utilize your kitchen space (especially if you only have a small area to spare) and add to the area’s aesthetic is to hang up your pots, pans, and cooking utensils.
Clear the Clutter
Of course, to maximize the kitchen space, you need to have all the space you can get. But what if your kitchen has too many items that have piled up over the years? These might be those ceramic plates you got as a wedding gift years ago, or the pots that have been handed down from your grandmother, or furniture you got from a neighbor’s garage sale.
Decluttering your kitchen will help you have an overall assessment of the things you have in your kitchen and segregate those you need from those that have no use for you anymore. As the Konmari method says, to know which things you want to keep, ask if these things “spark joy”.
Since your goal for revamping your kitchen is to add to its functionality while not scrimping on design, mostly if you have limited space to work with, it is best to stick to the essentials. This can be further categorized into three: cooking, eating, and design.
For all other stuff that doesn’t seem to have any use in your kitchen- perhaps it’s that faux plant that has been collecting dust at the corner wall or the dish rack that appears to be growing molds, grime, and rust – it’s probably the best time to let them go.
The task of sprucing up your kitchen might feel like a daunting venture. However, following these simple tricks and tips could help you take that step to a new and improved kitchen space that you and your family will love.
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