One of the things I hate as I age is my hair. When I was in my 20s and 30s I loved my hair. I could wear it straight and it would be smooth and silky. I could curl it and it would hold the perfect curls. I could scrunch it for a different type of curly look. These days it is usually in a bun or ponytail. I do wear it curly one day a week it just doesn’t look the same as it did when I was younger. When Irresistible Me reached out to ask if I wanted to do a hair extensions review I thought, “Sure, this will be fun!”
Irresistible Me Hair Extensions Review
I’ve always wanted long hair, I am so jealous of my daughter’s beautiful hair that hits just above her waist. The closest I came to long hair was right after I had my first son. These days it just can’t seem to grow past its current length. So why not take part in a hair extensions review and see what I would look like with long hair?
Clip-In Hair Extensions
While I really wanted to review the invisible clip-in hair extensions, due to it stated it was the most comfortable, the color I needed, caramel balayage was only available in the classic clip in hair extensions. I figured the color match was the most important aspect so I was sent both the 16″ and 20″ Irresistible Me hair extensions. For this hair extensions review, I used the 20″ length as I was really looking to add length to my hair.
Before Hair Extensions
I have long layered hair and no matter what product I use when I straighten it, it just looks frizzy to me. However, for this hair extensions review, I needed to do just that. So above is my photo after straightening and styling my hair. This is the length I’ve had FOREVER, it just won’t grow past this length. Putting it in buns and ponytails probably doesn’t help.
After Irresistible Me Hair Extensions
Color Match
If you are having a hard time trying to figure out what color you need you can get advice from Irresistible Me. Follow a few guidelines and submit a photo via email or chat. I was quite surprised by how well the Irresistible hair extensions matched my hair color. Especially since living in South Florida, my hair isn’t one color. Often my ends are lighter than my roots due to the sun. I was very happy with the color match. Irresistible Me offers a color match guarantee with free returns and exchanges at no cost to you.
clipping in Hair Extensions
As a novice to this beauty tool I had no idea there were so many different types of hair extensions. They have everything from classic clip-ins and ponytail extensions to tape-ins and wigs. As mentioned for this hair extensions review I received the classic clip-ins. I would say that clipping in the hair extensions was both easy and hard. Let me explain. The clips are easy to use they are small combs that attach the root of your hair with a small push on the clip to close it. Push again to open it. So the clips are easy to use. However, as a novice, it wasn’t the easiest to get them in a way that they felt natural. I could feel the bumps in the back of my head, so I can only assume that I didn’t clip them well. With that said it wasn’t obvious that I had hair extensions in even from the back.
Styling Hair Extensions
To get the hair extensions to blend with your natural hair it is suggested that after clipping them in you brush your hair and style as usual. I used my curling iron to curl both my natural hair and the hair extensions to get them to intertwine. Overall, I absolutely love how I look with the Irresistible Me hair extensions.
How they feel
They felt like they were secure and I wasn’t worried about them falling out or going anywhere. They did feel a little heavy but you have to expect it to feel this way adding hair to your head. It also felt weird to have long hair, but when you go from medium length to long it is to be expected.
I really love the look achieved with the Irresistible Me hair extensions. I think I just need to practice and learn how to put them in a little better. There are some instructions on their blog but it was only semi-helpful. I think it takes some practice to get them in perfectly, and I feel I would need to work with them some more before I am willing to go out in public with them. However, I think I could pull it off and no one would be the wiser and know I was wearing hair extensions.
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