I decided to give Ultimate Reset by Beachbody (now Bodi) program in an attempt to reset my body and detox it of cravings and bad habits. I’m hoping that this will be my initial and motivating step towards my weight loss. I may be waiting until late into the year to finally get motivated but timing is not important. What is important is that I stick to this program. After all, it definitely put a dent in my pocketbook.
This post is just a quick what to expect before you start. (Look later in the week for an update on how I’m doing). I ordered the Beachbody Ultimate Reset kit on Sunday, September 2nd just before Labor Day. I upgraded to Fed-Ex ground hoping to get it a little sooner. I was anxious to get started.
Price of Ultimate Reset
Lots of Preparation
The reason for my reluctance to purchase the Beachbody Ultimate Reset wasn’t just the price, it was knowing that I would need to prepare three meals a day. Not just a quick meal but take the time to season, bake, grill, or whatever need be. I also knew from my research that many of the foods were natural, or organic which is definitely not on the cheap side. I made a commitment to myself however to do what it took. The purpose of this program is to detox. Therefore I felt it only fitting to put exactly what was prescribed into my body.
Saturday I got up and began reading the Ultimate Reset guide from cover to cover. I didn’t want to skip a thing, I wanted to make sure I knew exactly what to expect and what to do. After reading the guide I followed it up with the two DVDs included. One is a DVD regarding the program, what to expect, and what each phase is for. The second DVD is about how to cook, and what to use.
Shopping for Groceries
I spent some time Saturday shopping (about 3 1/2 hours). I decided I wanted to purchase a Wok and a few better pans to start out right. I decided to go as organic as possible since that is recommended. It took some time to get through the store picking up all the needed food from products, to grains, to nuts. The first phase of the Beachbody Ultimate Reset is Reclaim, in which the purpose is to reclaim your body and slowly start to ween you from animal products. As one would expect my week’s grocery list “for just me” was not cheap.
Motivated and Ready to Go
At the end of the three weeks if I get from this what I’m expecting it won’t matter what my costs are. It will all be worth it. Just a note the first week you are purchasing many things you will not have to purchase the next. Cooking oils, vinegars, seasoning, etc. One purchase of these items will last through the entire program. I can’t give you the recipes and meal plans (that wouldn’t be ethical). I will tell you that reading the first weeks menu it looks very doable and even tasty. Here is a snapshot of my groceries purchased at Whole Foods, (there were still a few items I had to pick up at my local grocery store)
Green – Green – and More Green
Doesn’t that look colorful and scream H – E – A – L – T – H – Y! I’m very excited about this program and really hope to have some amazing thoughts for you after the first week. This post will also serve as my post with my starting information that was recorded on 9/9/12. You can also see daily information regarding any weight loss and steps taken by friending me on Fitbit. I will not be concentrating on the weight loss but I will be stepping on my Fitbit Aria Scale each morning to have a daily tracking of my body weight and body fat percentage (just a note I don’t put too much stock in the body fat % from the scale it is all over the place). I don’t know that I will have the time to enter in my food but I may have it a good effort.
my starting statistics
- Weight: 183.5
- Body Fat %: 44.9%
- Right Arm: 14 in
- Left Arm: 14 in
- Chest: 40 1/4 inc
- Waist: 36 3/8 in
- Hips: 45 1/2 in
- Right Thigh: 29 1/4 in
- Left Thigh: 28 1/4 in
- Right Calf: 15 1/2 in
- Left Calf: 15 5/8 in
Additional Ultimate Reset articles:
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