What a person wears says a lot about them. It may reflect their cleanliness, their career, and the amount of money they earn. If you have good style, you are guaranteed to turn more heads and make more of a statement. For women, this is something that is easily achievable because most girls enjoy the fashion industry and going shopping for clothes. For some men, the fashion world isn’t something that interests them, especially once they get comfortable in a relationship. If your image is something you care about, but you aren’t fortunate to have a fashion-driven man in your life, then you need to be the one to step up and guide him in the right direction. You need to do so without coming across wrong and hurting their feelings, and that’s what we will be helping you with today.
Don’t Change Them
When you choose to talk to your partner about the clothes they wear, make sure you do it in a way that shows you are just giving advice and making suggestions, rather than trying to control them or change them as a person. At the end of the day, your partner is a fully grown adult and they can do what they want. However, if they are aware that you would like them to do something about what they wear and you give that information over as advice, they will be more likely to take it on board.
Make Positive Suggestions
Approaching your partner with fashion advice and being positive when doing so is vital. For example, don’t approach the situation with things like ‘I don’t like your style or ‘I’m not happy with the way you look.’ Instead, make suggestions like ‘I think we should get you some new clothes’ or ‘What would you think about changing your style.’ Try to think about how you would feel if they said what you say to them, to make you more sensitive to the situation.
If you were to make any outfit suggestions, make them specific. It is vague to tell your partner to “sharpen up” or “keep it simple.” Chances are that he will not understand what you are talking about. Take a mental note of how you can improve their wardrobe and present specific clothing options. If you want to recommend him a more laid-back style, introduce different quality plain pocket shirts in neutral colors. If you aim to refine his usual rugged denim and shirt get-up for work, point him to comfortable dress pants, khakis, or chinos.
Take Some Control
The aim of giving your partner fashion advice isn’t to change them, but sometimes you need to take control of a situation to ensure something does happen once you give advice to your partner, especially if your partner isn’t very worried or interested in what you had to say. You can do so by planning a shopping trip or dedicating some time to them in the evening to explore the web for clothing that would suit them together.
Understand Your Needs
There is no point approaching your partner with fashion advice if you don’t know what you would want them to dress like. If you would prefer him to wear smarter clothing, then you need to be able to explain why and show him some examples of why you think it looks good. Some men may take fashion advice as a dig, so backing up your facts will help to diffuse the situation if they take it the wrong way. You need to make sure they will be comfortable too, which brings us on to our next point.
Understand Their Needs
Understanding your partner is essential when it comes to giving them fashion advice. You need to know what they would be comfortable wearing before you show them what you like. For example, there is no point in trying to make him wear fitted shirts if he is conscious of his body shape. You also need to choose styles and brands that would suit him, such as a pair of Givenchy sneakers – you can’t go wrong with a pair of these. Looking at clothes together on a site like SSENSE will help you find something you will both like.
Find a Picture
Men are known to respond well to a visual. If you want to fully explain and show your man what you would like them to dress like, find a good picture to illustrate that. This could be a picture of a stylish celebrity or a cutout from a fashion magazine. This is a great way to illustrate how certain items of clothing look on people and will make it easier to explain why you would like your partner to start dressing like this.
Always Be Reassuring
Style is considered to be quite a personal matter. Your job is to make your man feel as good as he can about himself, but you need to be honest to ensure he simply becomes a better version of himself. Men can be sensitive, especially when the issue is personal. It is very important to reassure him, so he knows you are not trying to change him or give him a makeover. All you are doing is handing over the tools he needs to feel more confident about himself and to look better.
You need to always be sensitive and patient when it comes to giving your partner fashion advice because it can be considered extremely personal. Pointing them in the right direction and offering support throughout their journey is the best way to get results and to make them feel comfortable during the transition.
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