The brain is the control tower of your body. It is the organ that allows you to move, feel and think. Without the required brain signals, your heart won’t beat and your lungs won’t function. Needless to say, we should take care of our brain health to help it function in its peak condition. We mostly have an idea of what to eat to stay physically fit and healthy. But we don’t have much knowledge about what causes dementia or which brain-boosting food helps to increase brain power, because what we eat has an even bigger impact on our brain than doing that daily crossword or reading each night.
Did you know that eating particular brain-boosting foods can help you boost your brain health and improve memory, relieve stress, and reduce mental fatigue? Research proves that many foods like broccoli and other greens have a substance known as ‘choline’ which can fight memory loss. Another study found a significant link between eating more strawberries and blueberries and a reduced rate of mental health decline. To help your brain and body stay healthy, we have compiled a list of brain foods that can help you stay sharp and increase your mental activity.
So, don’t forget to look out for these 6 superfoods on your next grocery run:
Salmon is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids and great brain-boosting food, which are very important for your brain to function in top-notch conditions. Most experts recommend the intake of wild salmon as compared to farmed salmon because it has a much higher level of omega-3 nutrients. If you’re unable to find salmon, then try any fatty fish like tuna or halibut- both of which also contain a healthy dose of omega-3. Research supports the fact that omega-3 deficiency often leads to poor mental health, mood swings, and mental fatigue.
The reason behind these symptoms is that your body needs essential fatty acids to work in optimum conditions. Research also proves that fatty fish can help to slow age-related mental decline and keep Alzheimer’s disease at bay. However, if you are experiencing dementia symptoms, we recommend you take a dementia test or visit your doctor to get a complete check-up.
If coffee is what keeps you going through the mornings, then you will be glad to read that regular intake of coffee is actually good for you. Coffee is loaded with caffeine and antioxidants- both of which are very important ingredients in helping your brain stay alert. Caffeine helps block adenosine, a chemical messenger that can make you feel drowsy. It also boosts serotonin levels in your body, so you instantly feel a lot better after having a hot cup of coffee. What’s more? Drinking coffee for a prolonged period of time can reduce your risk of developing mental health diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
Avocado is well-known for its rich and creamy flavor. But many people don’t know that
avocados are also an excellent brain-boosting food. Research proves that high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids help your brain cells stay active. Moreover, one serving of avocado has more than 20 different nutrients and vitamins, such as potassium and lutein. These are beneficial for your cardiac health and eyes too. So, don’t forget to take a little bit of avocado every day. One quarter or a half of an avocado is enough to provide you with all the necessary nutrients your body and mind need.
Nuts are another power snack that is loaded with vitamin E. Research proves that eating a handful of mixed nuts every day keeps your brain away from premature cognitive decline. Moreover, nuts are also loaded with essential omega-3 fatty acids which help your brain to stay focused and alert. While all nuts are equally good for improving your mental health, walnut steals the show as it is packed with vitamin E, omega-3 acids, and vitamin B6. This nutrient-dense snack helps increase serotonin and norepinephrine levels in your body to help you stay mentally sharp.
Turmeric is a deep-yellow spice that is being used as a medicinal herb in India and China from centuries. But recently, turmeric has been under the spotlight for its brain-boosting benefits. Turmeric contains an ingredient known as curcumin, which can access the brain cells directly and benefit them. It is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredient that can relieve Alzheimer’s symptoms by clearing amyloid plaques which are the classic symptoms of this disease.
Regular intake of turmeric can also help combat depression and increase the growth of new brain cells. All in all, turmeric is a superfood that can also be taken in the form of turmeric shot or tea. Moreover, it can be added to your daily cooking regimen to enhance its flavor and health benefits.
Dark chocolate
If you can’t resist a bite of chocolate after dinner, then we have some good news for you. Dark chocolate and cocoa are excellent sources of brain-boosting compounds such as flavonoids, antioxidants, and caffeine. Cocoa contains flavonoids which help the brain improve its memory and learning skills. Research also supports the fact that regular intake of dark chocolate can help slow down age-related mental decline.
There are countless studies and experiments that highlight that people who eat chocolate regularly perform much better during mental tasks as compared to those who rarely eat it. So, don’t forget to reach out for a square of dark chocolate as it can help elevate your mood and improve your brain health too!
There are so many different brain-boosting foods that can help your brain stay sharp and perform better. Many brain-boosting food items such as coffee and turmeric can help protect your brain from cognitive decline. Others such as nuts and avocado can help improve memory and boost brain development. Even if you take one superfood daily, you will notice an improvement in your alertness, memory, and overall mood. So, whenever you plan to go grocery shopping, choose these over processed foods, so that you stay sharp both physically and mentally.
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