It is spring break in our neck of the woods and is a great time for a family vacation. We need to get away from all the people taking spring break and flooding Florida! Nothing says road trip like a car full of family and road games! Here are some great family games for a road trip.
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Rock, Paper, Scissors is a fun game that has been around for many years. It is a game that can be played by anyone of any age. To play this game, everyone makes a fist and chants out loud the words rock, paper, scissors. After the word scissors is said, each player must make a hand gesture. There are three hand gestures to choose from: closed fist (rock), open hand (paper), or V-shape with two fingers (scissors). The winner has the object that will destroy the others. Rock destroys scissors, scissors destroy paper and paper covers a rock.
Memory Test
Memory Test is a great road trip game for kids ages six and older. The game starts with someone saying the first letter of the alphabet and a word that starts with that letter. For instance, “A is for the alphabet.” The next person takes the next letter (B is for baby) and then has to repeat the A word as well. The game continues until someone misses a letter and then the game starts again. We like to play this and pick a theme like animals, food, etc.
I Spy
I Spy is another classic road trip game that is fun for the whole family. One player starts by looking at things around them and choosing one object to focus on. It must be an object that will be in everyone’s view for a few minutes. The player needs to give just one clue about the object and everyone must guess the object. For instance, “I spy something blue” or “I spy something that starts with the letter B.” The person who guesses correctly gets to go next.
License Plate Game
Most of us remember playing the license plate game as kids on a road trip. All you need is paper and a writing instrument and you are ready to play. Pay attention to the license plates of the vehicles around you and write down the name of each state that you spot. The person who spots the most states is declared the winner.
The Alphabet Game
This is a fun game where each person has to find a letter of the alphabet outside of the car. You will find yourself scouring billboards, road signs, and license plates. Once you point out a letter it is taken. If you see a B on a billboard everyone else has to find a different B. The first person to finish the alphabet wins!
Solitaire Bliss
This is a game that kids and adults enjoy. It’s the free challenge version of the classic card game, solitaire. Enjoy games such as Klondike (Solitaire one card and three cards), Spider Solitaire, and Freecell. 36 games are available, all in solvable-only game mode. If your family loves a good friendly competition, then Solitaire Bliss is the perfect game!
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