Do you ever tell yourself after an intense exercise, “Who I feel great!”. Or after a day of eating healthy, do you feel refreshed and ready to tackle the day? Even with all these beneficial effects of eating healthy and exercising many of us still struggle maintaining these habits. Below are some of the side effects I have experienced when eating healthy, exercising, and maintaining this healthy lifestyle continuously.
Clear Skin
This is one of the most noticeable side effects when I start eating healthy. My skin tends to clear up and I just have a much better overall look. My face looks less bloated. My skin feels less driver out. My makeup goes on smoother and I just look healthier. This includes my scalp as well. I suffer from an “itchy scalp” and I found after years of trial and error that the key to clearing up this issue is simply drinking a lot of water.
More Energy
This is pretty obvious, most people tend to have more energy when they exercise and feed their bodies correctly. When your body is fueled at regular intervals it tends to be energized and you can feel the difference. It usually takes only one day to feel these beneficial effects of eating healthy and exercise for me. I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start the day.
Feel Thinner
Whether you are eating healthy to help aid in weight loss or have made it a way of life you tend not to bloat and your stomach feels thinner. At least this is the case for me. Usually three or so days after detoxing my body of sugar and other unwanted foods I feel slimmer, which makes me feel better and makes getting dressed in the morning a little more enjoyable.
Shopping is More Fun
This is especially so if you are losing weight. Right now I’m at a size where my closet is full of clothes but 10 more pounds and I’m going to have to go shopping and I’m going to enjoy it much more not carrying around those extra 10 pounds.
Sleep Better
I have found that one of the beneficial effects of eating healthy and exercising is that I sleep much better. When I am well rested I’m energized during the day and it is much easier to wake up to get in my morning exercise.
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