In this day and age, it’s easy to let depression or anxiety rule your days. You don’t think clearly, you don’t enjoy moments, and you cause a lot of stress on your body. Negative thoughts ensue and the whole process repeats day after day. This is many people’s realities but thanks to mindfulness and mantras for inner strength, you can stave off this cycle.
If you’ve ever seen happy people who seem to have it all, they tell themselves the right kind of things. It really does work. The kind of person you look up to for their happy demeanor doesn’t let the negative thoughts crawl into their head and ruin their days. Instead, they only know happy thoughts. Of solving problems at the moment they show themselves. There are mantras for inner strength that can help you hone these happy skills. They help you find your inner strength so you don’t buy into the ego mind’s negative, fearful view of life.
However, mantras alone may not provide a comprehensive understanding of your unique strengths and abilities. This is where the strengths test comes into play which is designed to identify and tap into your innate abilities, allowing you to recognize and embrace your true potential. By engaging in this assessment, you can uncover your unique strengths and qualities that often go unnoticed or underutilized. Feeling mentally and emotionally strong is essential for a fulfilling life, and one way to cultivate that strength is by practicing positive affirmations or mantras. Here are some inspiring mantras you can practice daily to gain inner strength.
What is a Mantra
A mantra is a word or sound that is repeated over and over to help you concentrate. That’s the basis of it. It can be a hymn. It can be practiced when you’re in yoga poses. You can sit cross-legged; you can use mala beads to keep you focused. It originated within the Hindu and Buddhist religions and has been practiced for thousands of years. There are beautiful mantras that use Sanskrit text. You can call on your favorite gods. It may lift your spirits but will take some time to really understand what the words mean. We are going to incorporate English words with modern meanings for the mantras. Here are the top five.
I Have Everything I Need to Get Through This
When times are tough, that’s when you need to bring in that inner strength. We will often go negative right away, thinking things like, ‘I can’t do this’. You may start to feel defeated and throw a mental tantrum where you say life isn’t fair. All of this is just self-defeating and doesn’t change your situation. In fact, it makes it worse and you only have yourself to blame. When times are tough and you have a hard time believing in yourself, it’s time to give yourself a talking-to.
Take a moment and breathe in. Remember who you are and that all you need is within you. Think of your accomplishments and the problems you’ve solved. As a mantra in this situation, say to yourself,
“I have all the tools I need to overcome this problem. I am totally capable.”
In Five Years This Won’t Matter
If you’re feeling stressed out about something it can be helpful to remember that in the grand scheme of things, it won’t be a big deal. It might feel overwhelming for the moment but when you tell yourself over and over that this won’t matter in five years; it helps to put things in perspective. Whatever decisions you have to make today or the major concerns you have can become smaller when you practice this mantra. It’s a great stress reliever and allows you to act in strength.
I am Stronger Than I Believe Myself to Be
We all have incredible strength in us that we usually don’t see in ourselves. When you’re put to the test, remember to tell yourself that you will get through it. You have mental and physical strength that will surprise you. Walk forth with courage, knowing you can overcome whatever challenges you’re facing. You might experience negative thoughts like, “I won’t get through this.” Replace that kind of thought with a mantra that you’re stronger than you know.
I am in Charge of My Own Emotions
When we constantly place blame for whatever is going on in our lives, we never grow. If we believe that someone is the source of our happiness, we will cling to them. If we believe that our problems are because of someone else, we will never look into ourselves and make positive changes. It’s important to tell ourselves that we are in control of how we think, feel, and act. This is empowering because it allows you to take action. You can make the best of a bad situation and make positive changes within yourself. When an opportunity comes up, like you feel disappointed or bitter towards someone, really look in. Tell yourself that you’re in charge of your emotions. This is powerful when someone is trying to get under your skin. You don’t allow them to have control of you.
I’ve Fallen Down and Dusted Myself Off Before
When life throws you lemons, it’s not always easy to feel positive and make lemonade. You have likely persevered through adversity in the past. Look back at those times. Remind yourself that you have picked yourself up before and you’ll do it again. This helps you to counterbalance any depressive, negative feelings about the situation. Remember your power and call upon it in situations where everything has fallen apart. Remember your strength.
When you offer yourself up to positive affirmations, you can completely change your energy levels. You become more positive. Mantras are simply words that remind you of your true inner strength. All you need is within you. That truth will get you through challenging emotional and mental times.
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