My husband is from Roanoke, Virginia. He lived there his entire life until we moved out of the state at the end of 1997 months after my son was born. We lived in Georgia for about a year before we made our way to Florida. (Florida is where I grew up). Now that we are here we will never leave I have always been a Florida girl at heart and my husband has been converted. Last month our family took a trip to Virginia to meet our first granddaughter. Sometimes you don’t realize how different America is until you drive from state to state. Florida is “flat” there are no other words to describe it. Yes, it is lined with palm trees a beautiful site but it is flat with no hills. I found the trip into Virginia to be beautiful and so enjoyed the sites of the greenery and trees and snapped some photos to remind me of how we sometimes forgot how beautiful America really is.
America the Beautiful

I also love how different the homes and buildings look in Virginia compared to Florida. It is rare to find brick and wood in Florida due to needed to build differently because of Hurricanes. Virginia has such an old town feel to it to me, I love the large homes with porches. How the homes are not cookie cutter and all look different and the large brick buildings.
Husband’s Junior High and High School
Husband’s Homes in Virginia
Where My Husband and I Met
As we toured the city we met each other in we couldn’t help but drive by where we both work and met to show the kids.
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