Renting for a short period can be appropriate if you’re scouting for a job in a new place, traveling overseas, or looking for retirement relocation. You’ll get all the amenities a house typically has, making your everyday living easier. Short-term rental is also cost-effective compared to staying in different hotels. When you opt to have a short-term rental, you’ll be able to save money which you can use for other expenses such as utility bills and transportation costs.
While short-term rental might provide you with several benefits, the fact remains that this space is not your home – you’ll need to adjust so you can live comfortably here as if it were your actual residence. To help you achieve that goal the moment you move to your short-term rental space, consider the tips below.

Only bring the essentials
A short-term rental might be the best option you have for your situation right now but keep in mind that things can change. You might end up not liking the place and will need to move to another location again. To save yourself from the cycle of packing and unpacking items again (some of which you don’t even need in the first place), don’t bring everything you own. This means leaving some of your favorite Halloween decorations and rarely-used clothing at home. As much as possible, only bring what you need such as clothes, kitchenware, and some appliances. You should also hire the best moving company to ensure that everything that you bring will be in good condition after the move.
Let the short-term rental adjust to suit your needs, not the other way around
Everything during a short-term rental is new – your space, your environment, and even your neighbors – but this doesn’t mean that your daily routines should be, too. You should look for a short-term rental that has the same amenities as your home. If a hot bath in a tub relaxes you after a day of work, make sure you are finding a house for rent that has the same thing. Never compromise the things you do just because you’re living somewhere new. Doing this will make the entire short-term rental experience happier and more comfortable. Additionally, if you’re living in a short-term rental perfect for your needs, you won’t be itching to move to another place that can offer you better amenities.
Decorate but never on the walls
One of the easiest ways you can make your short-term rental feel like home by adding your personal touches. If you always loved art or knitting, go ahead and showcase these in different areas of the short-term rental. You have to stray away from the walls. You don’t want to eventually fix holes in the walls the moment you decide to leave. Also, your leaser might not allow it in the first place so it’s always better to safe than sorry. And you don’t have to worry because the walls are just a part of the short-term rental, you can still decorate in many different places. For starters, you can always find a sunny spot to grow your favorite plants or allocate a side table for portraits of your family and friends. These are simple ways to spice up your space without worrying about how you can get everything back to its place when you decide to move out.
Always create comfort
You love to be at home because this is the best place that can provide you the comfort you need. When you’re at home, you can sleep for hours without any interruption and lay around on the sofa all day without feeling guilty about it. You can feel that same sensation in your short-term rental by creating comfort. If you’re used to sleeping with at least three pillows, do the same in your short-term space. If you love having a blanket while watching television, have one on your sofa. Comfort greatly contributes to the feeling of being at home.
Meet the neighbors
Adding more friends to your circle is always a good thing. And this is something that you should do even when you’ll be living in a location for a limited time. Spend some time meeting your neighbors. Invite them over to your space or if they’re the ones giving the invitation, show up and have fun. Having friends who are living near you will make it easier to settle in the location, making you more calm and relaxed in the new environment. Having friends as your neighbors is also an excellent avenue to know what goes on around the neighborhood.
Cleanliness is a necessity
Your short-term rental will never feel at home when you’re always seeing unkempt valuables or decor all over the place. Sights like these will only create stress and prevent you from relaxing in your short-term rental. A simple way of making your short-term rental feel like home is by keeping it clean all the time. If possible, start cleaning the moment you arrive in the space. Don’t sleep with unorganized boxes. You always want to start your first day in your short-term rental in a happy mood. You should also find time during the week to clean your space. Cleanliness should be maintained all the time.
It’ll Feel Like Home
Moving in a short-term rental can be both advantageous and fun, especially when you’re doing it for the first time. You’ll be able to experience new things which can broaden your horizon and extend your circle of friends. But keep in mind that you’ll only get the most out of your short-term rental if you actually feel home while living in it; you’ll only enjoy the entire experience if you love where you’re staying. Achieving those goals can be challenging at first but the tips from these articles can surely help. Gradually follow these and it won’t be long before your short-term rental will feel home away from home!
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