Well, the secret is now out of the box, coconut oil is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Who knew you could use it in so many different ways? My favorite benefit of coconut oil is that it is a natural alternative to items that are full of chemicals. Below are 25 benefits of coconut oil.
BENEFITS of Coconut Oil
- Great source of energy: The triglycerides found in coconut oil can supply your body with a great, natural energy boost. Skip the energy drinks and try eating them by the spoonful!
- Increases metabolism: Looking for that secret weapon to get you over your weight loss hump? Try eating a healthy diet that includes coconut oil.
- Calms stomach discomforts: Rely on coconut oil’s microbes to cure a rumbly stomach.
- Keeps you full: You can thank fatty acids for this great benefit.
- Helps weight loss: Overall, coconut oil aids in burning fat, but it is especially helpful at burning those pesky pounds that collect around your waist.
- Improves brain function: Show your brain some love by supplying it with some much-needed nutrients.
- Excellent moisturizer: Gone are the days of sacrificing moisture with the use of harsh chemicals and dyes. Trade in your lotion for coconut oil and you will never look back.
- Heals chapped lips: Steer clear of artificially flavored lip balms and use a dab of coconut oil instead. This is a great alternative for kids too.
- Treats eczema: The abundance of Vitamin E soothes eczema symptoms immediately.
- Fights cellulite: You read the right… a natural cure for this pesky problem. Use daily to reap the best results.
- Kills bacteria and viruses: The Lauric acid in coconut oil kills bacteria and viruses. Another wonderful benefit!
- Safeguards against heart disease and improves cholesterol levels: Lauric acid is also responsible for keeping your ticker ticking properly!
- Protects against sun damage: Although using coconut oil only provides an SPF strength of 4 or 5 it does contribute to protecting your skin from UV rays when you use it regularly.
- Treats athlete’s foot: Ditch the spray and rub on some coconut oil to treat any type of foot fungus.
- Increases milk supply for nursing mothers: The vitamin D found in coconut oil helps increase milk supply. It can also be used as a nipple cream for cracked nipples.
- Stabilizes blood sugar levels: Do you, or someone you know, struggle to keep blood sugar levels normal? Why not give this alternative supplement a try?
- Can replace shaving cream and shaving lotion: Not only is it a great way to condition and care for skin, but it will help save on shaving supplies.
- Stretch mark prevention: Improve your skin’s elasticity with coconut oil.
- Relieves itchy bug bites: Skip the bug bite cream and try rubbing some coconut oil on it for itch relief.
- Baby lotion: Every time we turn around we hear about the nasty chemicals companies are putting into our baby products. Replace your baby lotion with organic coconut oil to make sure your baby’s skin stays moisturized naturally.
- Diaper rash cream: All of the ingredients found in coconut oil soothes raw skin gently and naturally.
- Curbs sugar cravings: Another great trick to help you achieve your nutrition and weight loss goals!
- Boosts your immune system: Coconut oil’s anti-viral properties help ward off colds and the flu.
- Seasons cast iron pots and pans: Switch from using vegetable oil to coconut oil to season your skillets.
- Deep conditioner: Tame your frizz and heal split ends by combing a small amount of coconut oil through your hair before bed. Your hair will thank you for the extra moisture.
To get the full benefits of coconut oil be aware of what type of oil you purchase. Look for oil that is organic, non-GMO, and cold-pressed. If you were wondering “Where Can I Buy Coconut Oil?” here are some options found on Amazon.
Note: These are the benefits of coconut oil we have found and the information here is not to be substituted in place of any doctor’s advice.
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