One thing my daughter and I have in common is Arts & Crafts. Art was my favorite subject in school. I loved to draw, color, and paint. My favorite thing to draw when I was young was cartoons. My favorite cartoon subject was Garfield!
My daughter has shown that she has some pretty good talent when it comes to art. She is often figured in the art show and like me, it is her favorite “special” class in school. Her favorite subject is math. I’m always looking for something fun for us to do. I came across some Pencil Color by Number that we have been working on that look amazing. We aren’t nearly done but I thought I would share them with you. If your child loves to color and can follow a direction sheet you may want to pick these up. However, these are not for little kids. Honey is eight but is pretty good when it comes to art and following directions and she is able to fill in the colors correctly.
Pencil Works Pencil By Number
This is my favorite brand Pencil Works and you can find these Color by Number products on Amazon. That is where I purchased mine and I purchased this one pictured above Animal Collage as well as Friendly Animals. Each one comes with 4 cardboard canvases’ to color and 4 sets of directions. My daughter and I each picked out which ones we wanted to do first. My daughter chose the one pictured below with the flamingo.
Flamingo Color by Number
I love Tigers and wild animals so I chose one with many animals (also pictured above)
My Color By Number
The great thing is that they tell you what color to use and where to color all you have to do is follow the directions. Some of the spaces are super tiny and you have to be very careful which is why I don’t recommend these particular sets for young kids. It seems to be perfect for my daughter as she did everything by herself. This is what the set looks like.
We haven’t worked on our artwork in a while so we need to get back at it. I really think when we are done these are going to be good enough to frame. I can’t wait to share with you the finished product!
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