If you regularly find yourself wasting away your weekends on the couch and get to Monday feeling bored and unrested, you’re not alone. While a busy workweek can drain our energy, engaging in fun hobbies and creative home projects in our free time is often a far better way to relax and fill our cups! However, if you’re not big on hobbies and don’t usually get involved in DIY projects, it can feel impossible to know where to start. We’ve come up with a list of six fun, easy, and functional home projects you can dig your teeth into this weekend to help you unwind and reset your mind for a new week.
Vertical Herb Gardens
We’ve all thought about growing our own veggies or herbs at some point – but what’s holding you back? A vertical herb garden is super easy to put together yourself, doesn’t take up much space, and will look great in your garden. Depending on your budget and aesthetic preferences, you can use wood pallets, plastic, or plexiglass sheets to create an easy vertical-tiered herb garden. This is a super simple project and you can find loads of tutorials online to help you through it. Fill it up with your favorite herbs like rocket, parsley, and basil, and give your meals a fresh boost!
Custom Picture Frames
If you have access to wood pieces or offcuts, you can make an incredibly cheap and stunning custom frame for your wall art or photographs. For a project like this, you won’t even need any power tools—just some wood glue and your creativity! Make sure to sand the wood down nicely, and consider grabbing some fun paint colors from the hardware store to let your heart run wild with fun frame designs. Look online for some inspiration and add something special and unique to your home décor. It’ll look great and keep you busy for a few hours.
DIY Coffee Table Transformation
We all have that old piece of furniture that’s just begging for new life to be breathed into it. For many of us, it’s that old, outdated coffee table with coffee stains and a rickety leg. All it would take to freshen it up is a few hours of elbow grease, and it could be as good as new. Use some sandpaper to sand it down, and throw on a lick of paint for a breezy, whitewashed look. You can also use wood bleach to turn a dark wood table into something lighter and more modern. For some extra fun, grab some paint in a bright, bold color and liven up your space!
Stylish Floating Shelves
We could all use a bit of extra storage space in our homes to alleviate the clutter. Doing this with floating shelves is an amazing way to create space, save space, and add extra stylish flair to a room. Floating shelves are incredibly easy to install and only require a bit of wood and some brackets to install into the wall. Use your shelves to display books, picture frames, and other decorative trinkets. This is a wonderful way to display the pieces you love without taking up the precious real estate of your tables and counters.
Desk Organizer
Speaking of storage, don’t we all need a little help in keeping our workspaces neat and organized? Desk organization and storage products can be incredibly expensive, but they’re easy to make yourself using materials you probably have lying around. With just a cutting knife, glue, and some empty cardboard boxes (think of all those deliveries you’ve had recently), you can easily make storage containers and dividers for your work desk to keep your notes and stationery in good order. If you’re feeling fancy, you can even use wood and turn this into a bigger project for a whole Saturday.
Modern Kitchen Backsplash
If you’re bored over the weekend, you can do fun creative home projects and do a mini kitchen makeover by refreshing your backsplash for a more modern look. Retiling your backsplash is far easier than it sounds. You’ll only need to visit the hardware store for a few items and a tip or two from the pros. Alternatively, you can make things even easier for yourself and buy some peel-and-stick tiles for your backsplash. These are easy to shop for online or in-store, and you can find loads of stunning colors and patterns to match any aesthetic. Peel-and-stick tiles are also super low maintenance and easy to clean – a true win, win!
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