Place the eggs in a large saucepan, add enough cold water to just cover and bring to a boil.
Remove from heat, cover the pan, and let stand for 11 minutes.
Drain the eggs and return them to the saucepan.
Gently shake the pan to crack the eggs all over.
Run under cold water to cool, then peel the eggs, discarding the shells.
Cut the top third off each egg and reserve.
Carefully remove the yolks from the bottom two-thirds, transfer to a small bowl, and mash with the mayonnaise, lemon juice, mustard ¼ tsp salt, and ⅛ tsp pepper.
If necessary, slice a thin piece off the bottom of each egg white so they stand upright.
Using a 1-in. cookie scoop, scoop the yolk mixture onto the top of each egg white.
Very thinly slice the carrot into strips, then cut into feet, wings, and beak shapes.
Use the capers for eyes and the herbs for beards, hair, and eyebrows, gently placing each in the yolk mixture to make a face.
Use the reserved top third of the egg for a hat.