It’s no secret that fashion comes in cycles. The fun thing about this is that you don’t have to stick to any particular trends – if you feel like it, you can pick whichever trends inspire you and bring that cycle back yourself. 90’s fashion is currently having a bit of a comeback moment, and it can be fun working out how you might use one of the many diverse styles that dominated that decade to inspire your own wardrobe. From the historical foundations to where you should look for the items themself, here’s where to start with your 90’s fashion journey.
Understanding the basics
If you want to take your 90’s fashion inspiration seriously, it’s a good idea to start with a historical dive into the trends you’re inspired by. Whether that’s 90’s East Coast hip-hop or English raver styles, taking the time to understand how those trends emerged and evolved can be a lot of fun. Whether you want to watch some documentaries and TV shows from that period or you fancy buying a nice coffee table photo book that you can flip through, ingesting these styles in their contemporary context can make it a lot easier to adopt them in the present.
Starting with some key pieces
As with any fashion style, it can be most approachable if you start off with some key pieces that you base the rest of your look on. Especially at the beginning, these can really help with inspiration and make you feel more confident as you start to explore with bolder outfits. You can search for these items, but ultimately, they’ll have to come to you.
Enjoy accessorisation
While key pieces are obviously important to use as foundations, it’s the little embellishments that you use that really make any outfit fun and unique. Try to really enjoy the process of adding little accessories to your outfit, and be creative with it. You can choose accessories that are actually from the 90’s like chain belts, bucket hats and chokers, but you can also use it as an opportunity to add your own twist. Using past fashion styles as an influence doesn’t mean you have to copy them item-for-item – you can still be creative in your interpretation.
Where to look
When looking for 90’s-inspired fashion pieces, you can look in a wide range of different locations. While you can absolutely look for vintage pieces in 90’s-focused vintage shops and less curated (but more affordable) charity shops, you can also find new items that match the brief.
In addition to pieces from more well-known brands, you can also try getting pieces from suppliers like Screen Textiles. You can use these services to create personalised designs on hoodies, t-shirts, and other items, that are both unique to you and potentially inspired by a 90’s aesthetic.
Your fashion exploration can be an incredibly creative way to express yourself and have fun. Make sure that you use other eras for inspiration, but don’t get caught up with replicating them perfectly – enjoy the process of experimenting and see where it takes you.
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