I really did! I had a light bulb moment right in the middle of Walmart. On a mission to create a fun DIY project using GE Energy Saving light bulbs, I decided to create some fun lighting in my son’s room. For Christmas, we re-decorated his room in Washington Redskins. For those who are not familiar with this NFL team, their colors are burgundy and gold. I thought how cool would it be to change out the light bulbs in his ceiling fan to these colors? Put up a couple of neon signs to add some brightness to the room.
Colored Light Bulbs
However, I could not find a colored light bulb to save my life! So standing in the light bulb aisle I started looking at the many choices surrounding me. GE Reveal, Halogen, CFL, LED, Daylight, Soft White vs. Daylight, and just a ton of light bulbs all promising different things.
Light Bulb Moment
As I started reading some of the boxes my “Light Bulb Moment” occurred. I saw a picture on one of the boxes illustrating the difference between soft white vs. daylight. I realized this was the answer to a problem I didn’t realize there was an answer to. That problem was yellow-tinted photos. My husband bought me a new camera for my birthday last year. I noticed when I took photos outside they were bright and clear, however, when I took them inside the photos had a yellow tint. I chalked it up to the camera until I purchased a DSLR camera and experienced the same issue. I figured I just needed to learn how to use my new camera until I discovered the difference between soft white vs daylight light bulbs.
Soft White vs Daylight Light Bulbs
My DIY project took a new turn. I decided I had to try the GE Energy Smart Daylight light bulbs and see if this would cure my “yellow” problems. I purchased the only two boxes that were on the shelf in the wattage I was looking for and headed home. Four bulbs were exactly what I needed to change out the light bulbs in my bathroom. The difference in soft white vs. daylight was amazing!
As an added benefit I was purchasing GE Energy Efficient light bulbs which means my energy bill was not going to increase and instead possibly decrease. Our house is already equipped with energy-saving bulbs, it was a top priority when we moved in. What I didn’t do, however, was research the different types of bulbs and which ones would help me save the most. It is never too late so I checked out the Energy Saving calculator on the GE Lighting website. I walked around my house and counted 52 light bulbs. Yes, I said 52 we have a large house with tons of lighting. I calculated 7 light bulbs that would need replacing outside. I popped these numbers into the calculator.
Energy Saving Light Bulbs from GE
Check out those savings (based on an average of $.10 per KWh). If I was switching from regular light bulbs to GE Energy CFL bulbs I could save approximately $627.22 a year and about $3436.80 over the lifetime of the bulbs. That is definitely a savings worth looking into for you. How about you? Have you calculated your own savings based on your lighting needs?
DIY Lighting Project
I’m sure you’re wondering did it work? Did changing the light bulbs have any effect on my photos or the lighting in the bathroom? Was there a difference in soft white vs. daylight? Without a doubt, there is a difference between the two types of bulbs. Both bulbs are GE Energy bulbs it is the output of color that is different. So the true test for me was how would my photos turn out. Would I notice a difference?
Soft White Light Bulbs
Daylight Light Bulbs
I think the GE Energy Smart Daylight passed with “flying colors”. I LOVE the new lighting in my bathroom. It feels, for lack of a better word, like daylight. It feels clean and crisp when I walk in. With the new lighting when I put my makeup on in the morning I feel it is more the true color. The color looks the same at home as it does when I get to work. Ladies, you know what I mean right? You can put your makeup on and it looks great and you get in the car and catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and notice it looks nothing like it did in your bathroom. It is all due to lighting!
I’m definitely a fan of my new lighting and extra savings and am hoping to switch out the light bulbs in my kitchen as well. I’m still going to look for some colored bulbs for my son’s room I think he would get a kick out of them. My son is all about being different and loves color!
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